Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Our Baby has to have Surgery

We went to see the surgeon today. It was very in and out. He said that she had an umbilical cyst. He said that they cyst was made up of left over umbilical tissue that is still under the skin. He told us that these cysts have a tendency to become infected and that can be very serious so this is something that we want to take care of now. He said he likes to wait until the babies are at least 2 months old before doing surgery so it's scheduled her surgery is scheduled for July 28th at 11:30am. I am a bit upset about it. I know that it's the best thing for her but the idea of someone cutting into my baby's tummy is not setting well with me. So say a few prayers that everything goes smoothly. She will be in and out in a day and then he said a pressure bandage for 3-5 days and then she will be a-ok. My poor baby :(

Oh, I forgot to mention our "little" lady is now 23inches long and 10lbs 4oz!!!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!!!

Some mornings Connor will come into our room and crawl into bed with us. This morning the boys looked so cute sleeping together I had to get a picture. This picture was staged but when I woke up to feed Abigail I looked over and Connor and Paul were laying on their backs and Connor's right arm was laying across Paul's chest. I thought that it would make such a cute picture so I was going to get the camera when I was done feeding Abigail. Well then they moved. But they both stretched in sync and then ended up laying with their arms in the exact same way. I thought, great! I can still get a good picture of them sleeping together. Then Paul rolled over and so did Connor! So ran down to get the camera. I came back u[ and Connor was awake:( So I asked him to roll over for the picture!

Happy Father's Day!!!!
The kids gave Daddy a big hug this morning for Father's Day:)
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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Cutie Patootie

This is one of the cute little dresses that Miss Abigail has gotten. This one came from her Aunt Erin:) Super Cute!

I got a couple of pictures of Connor loving on his new sis. He loves to give her kisses and feel her soft arms and legs. He won't hold her anymore though! If you ask if he wants to hold her he will say, "no, I held her a lot already" I have to share another cute Connor story. Abby and I went to an Ice Cream Social at the Child Care Center and when we were walking back to the car Connor noticed that the handle of the car seat wasn't in the position that it usually is. I had brought it up and it had locked into place but not all the way up like normal. Abby was sitting more upright than her usual reclined position. Connor glanced over and started waving his arms yelling, "don't dump her Momma!!! Don't dump her out!!!" I couldn't help but laugh while explaining that she was strapped in and was not going to fall out ;) Glad he is keeping an eye out for her though!
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Chef Connor

This is the super cute chef's hat and apron that Oma made for Connor while she was here visiting. He really likes to wear it when he helps cook supper :)
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I know that I may be partial, but I think these pictures are just absolutely precious!!!! I just want to kiss on those cheeks!!
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"mowing" with Papa

Papa kept asking Connor if he wanted to ride on the mower and Connor answered "no" about 5 times. Then after my dad was done mowing and was about ready to put the lawn mower away, Connor asked for a ride! So the roamed around a bit and Connor informed me that "I wasn't scared Momma!" We have noticed that he does take a little bit to warm up to things. It was nice to see him come around to the idea of trying it out though.
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Hanging with Papa

I couldn't decided which picture I liked better so I posted both! Last week we spent one night at my mom and dad's house and he really enjoyed getting to spend some more time with the children ;)
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I know that I am probably the only person who loves this picture but I am so proud of it I had to post it!! This was the first time I really trimmed a tree all by myself!!! You couldn't mow under this tree without it grabbing by the hair or the shirt and I kept thinking, "Man, we need to get this trimmed up!" and I finally did!!!! I think that it looks pretty good, what do you think?
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Monday, June 15, 2009

Abby's 1st Road Trip

Abby got to go to Harlan for the first time to meet her maternal Great-Grandparents! Not the coolest road trip but still nice to meet more family ;)

Great Grandma Mildred Reinig

Great Grandpa Tony Reinig

As a bonus Abby got to meet my Godmother Rose.
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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Our Baby's Belly Button

Abigail's umbilical cord fell off a couple days before her 2 week appointment. It seemed to be doing just fine but the last few days there has been quite a bit of "stuff" coming out of it. The poor little girl's shirts are getting all gross. So I called the pediatrician's office last night and they wanted to see her. We went in today and the Doctor wanted her to be checked out at the hospital and have an ultra sound done to see what was going on. They saw a fluid filled cyst :( On the upside there isn't a connection between the urinary tract or anything else major but it is oozing out. I talked with the pediatrician after she got the results of the ultra sound and she said that she wanted us to follow up with a surgeon to see if it is something that we can just watch or if it's something that we need to do surgery on. Say a prayer that it's nothing major and that we can just keep an eye on it. I don't even want to think about my little baby having surgery!! We can't get in to see the surgeon until June 24th so hopefully we will find out more than.
We did get another weight on her and she has now gained 11 ounces in 8 days!!!! She is just growing like a weed!! She is 3 weeks and is now 9lbs 13oz and 22.5 inches long!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Many Faces of Abigail

Ok, she has WAY more expressions besides these but with the delay on the camera this is what I got!
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Cutie Patootie

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More Visitors

My Aunt Delores and Aunt Judy came by to meet little Abby!
My Aunt Judy said that they were the "old Aunts" That she had new Aunts and old Aunts and that they were two of the "old" ones ;) They are funny ladies! It was great to see them and I know that Abs enjoyed meeting them too.

At first I was upset that the picture came out this way but after looking at it I really like it now. Look at their arms, they both have one up to their chin. Such a cute picture of them :)
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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

2 Week Check-up

Ebby and I thought that she would be about 8lbs 2oz, well we got the 2 oz right!! The pediatrician said that she was doing great and that if she sleeps through the night I should let her sleep. Um, yeah!! That's the plan!! So last night she didn't sleep as well as she has the two nights before that but I used a swaddle blanket instead of swaddling her with a receiving blanket. The swaddle blanket isn't as tight as I swaddle so that could have been the difference. We shall see! She is doing so well though, she is just a wonderful little girl!
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Monday, June 1, 2009

2 Weeks Old!

I can't even believe that it's been TWO WEEKS!!!! Abigail is doing so well. She eats like a champ and the last 2 nights she has slept like one too :)

"Lilly" bought Abigail her very first stuffed animal, a baby seal. We thought that it would be fun to track Abigail's growth in comparison to Sammy.

Connor wanted to get in on the action too ;)

The first time Abby got a bath I planned it close to bed time and nursed her and changed her and she was WIDE AWAKE! She didn't sleep that well that night either so last night I decided to bathe her earlier and then hope that she was drowsy by bed time. Well this time I bathed her and nursed her and changed her and she was fast asleep, at 7:30pm!!!!!! I let her sleep for awhile but then at 9 I laid her on a blanket and hoped that the cool air would help wake her and she would be up for about an hour and then would nurse well at 10 and go back to bed. Well, no luck! She stayed asleep, wouldn't wake up even to nurse. So I pumped and went to bed. She didn't wake up until 2am!!!!!!! and then was awake to eat at 5:45am!!!!!!!!!!! All I have to say is WOW, granted it would have been nice to have those 6.5 hours from 10pm to 4:30am but since I have absolutely zero say in what she does right now I will take what I can get!!

Abby has her 2 week check-up tomorrow. Ebby and I think that she will weight 8lbs 2 oz. We will see how right we are. The little lady eats REALLY well so we shall see. I will post her stats after her appointment.
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