Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I will be sending these out when I get some new ink;) I tried to print it out this evening but it didn't work so hot! Can you believe that she will be one in 21 days!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Sunday, April 25, 2010


So there are 2 things I wanted to mention about the supper we just ate. #1 it took 10 minutes to make and get on the table. We had beef ravioli, bread sticks, and a mixed seasoned veg combo. The bread sticks and veggies took 6 minutes and the ravioli took a few minutes for the water to boil and then 3-5 minutes to cook while the water got back up to a boil. It was a wonderful super quick meal!! ok then on to #2 our wonderful 4.5 year old son, Connor had ONE ravioli, half a green bean and a glass of milk and half a bread stick. Our wonderful 11 month old daughter, Abby on the other hand had SIX raviolis, 2.5 green beans, one baby carrot, and half a bread stick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess with all that walking she is working up an appetite!


Our little lady is very agreeable. Just watch and see:) Oh, and don't mind the blueberry on her nose;) (click the picture to see the video)
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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Abby Walking

Abby has been walking a lot more this weekend:) Mainly from one person to another person but sometimes she will let go of what she is holding on to and walk a bit. She mainly looks like a drunk sailor;) Hopefully she will get her land legs soon! (click on the pic to see some videos)
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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Connor's First Play Date:)

Connor had his buddy over for a play date yesterday. They had a ton of fun. They played with just about everything in the house for about 5 minutes each, then they boys decorated kites and went out and flew them, rode bikes, played inside a bit more, then we packed a picnic lunch and went to the park where they had lunch and then played for about an hour. Then it was back home, Tyler picked some flowers for his mom and then they played in the sand and water table. Probably not the best choice for right before mom picked up, Sorry Mandy!! But on my defense, Connor doesn't get too wet and dirty when he is by himself playing there, but 2 four year old boys are a different story!
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Beach Day!

I forgot Beach Day, I think that was Monday along with the family breakfast;) Anyway my battery died so I only got a few pics of Abby's room. Connor wore his shark swim trunks and his swim shirt and shoes too:) Abby is chilling on a raft with her little swim suit and her cover up:)

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Week of the Young Child

Last week was the Week of the Young Child. Papillion/La Vista put on a very fun family night!! We had a train (that I swear went about 40mph!), bounce houses, tumbling, face painting, bubbles, jugglers/ balloon shapers and dinner! It was a very windy night but wonderful! At the Center we had a family breakfast on Monday, Tuesday we had Picture Day, Wednesday was PJ Day, Thursday we made and flew kites and Friday we tie dyed shirts! I have those pictures on a different memory card so as soon as I get them on my computer I will add them to the blog!
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Connor flipped through pages and pages of pictures until he found just the right thing to have painted on his face;) Batman it was!!! We even let him leave it on til the next day. You should have heard him while we were taking his shirt off and putting them on! "DON'T GET BATMAN!!! did you get Batman? Is it alright??"

Abby got to tumble a bit while Connor and mom stood in a very long line for the ponies!

But at last we made it to the front of the line!!! Connor did a great job, even with his brace. He rode one handed like a real cowboy! I got a few gray hairs though as a runaway balloon headed straight for Connor's horse and it kicked up a little to get out of the way of the balloon, all I could see was a matching set of braces!! He did great staying calm and I am sure that the fact that he had a seat belt on helped too:)
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April 10th

The weekend of the 10th Connor was at Lil Sibs weekend at Simpson with Aunt Rara and Paul had drill so it was just us girls at home:) We had a lot of fun! I even pulled out the sand and water table for Abby to play with. It's amazing that she did the same exact thing that I get after her brother for doing, putting all the sand in the water side;) When I first took the lid off all she did was stare, then she moved in to the touching, then wiping off:) By the end she was eating and drinking and splashing and having a good ol time!
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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt

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Silly Kids :)

So Abby and Connor were rolling around being silly while we were waiting for Lilly and Papa to come for dinner.
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Easter Baskets!

Connor and Abby were visited by the Easter Bunny last night!!! They seemed to like what had in their baskets. Connor's favorite was a new Transformer and Abby really liked the dried plums that were in her eggs!!!
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Our Family:) this is the best picture:) Don't we all look so cute!

Modi, finishing off the ham bone, yum!

Daddy and Abby
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Hi Modi!

Abby loves to look out the back doors at Modi! She just kept walking back and forth banging on the window :)
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The New Ball

Abby got a great basket from her infant teachers, in it there was some applesauce, a book, bubbles, and a ball that had a panda on it. Connor asked me if Abby could share with him:) So we had some fun in the hallway with the ball this afternoon!
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The Table

I know, I know you may be looking at this one thinking, why is she blogging about the table????? Well because I thought that it looked really nice:) I had a white table cloth and the cream dishes and napkins. The wonderful yellow and red tulips and of course the yummy food in the last picture to add to the look!

We had a honey glazed ham (my very first attempt at a ham!), apricot glazed carrots, strawberry and spinach salad with a sesame and poppy seed dressing and potato casserole! YUMMY!! Then we went to DQ and the "Big Park" wish I would have had my camera then too. The kids had a blast playing and Connor got up on the stage and sang an awesome song about "All day and all week" and then one about him being a monkey named George:)
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Friday, April 2, 2010

Old Easter Pictures

I know that I had a picutre of Connor and me on the playground last year before the egg hunt and as I was looking for it I came across some more old Easter pictures!! Enjoy :)

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Here is Abby's dress with the ribbons in and all done. She wore her pretty headband to school today too and though most people laughed, I thought she looked adorable!!! And, she really seemed to like it too:) I love the picture of us on the playground right before the egg hunt. I wish I would have let Connor snag a few eggs then because when the rest of the class came out he only ended up with 6 eggs!!! But he got some chocolate, a frog, and a hippo with a parachute so he was pretty pleased:) It was a great day and we all had lots of fun. My camera battery died so I ended up taking pictures with one of the teachers camera but didn't get them off before she took off for the night. Hopefully Monday I can get them and post some more!!
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Spring Egg Hunt!!

Today was our Spring Egg Hunt. We "hid" so many eggs around our playground! It was cool and rainy most of the day and then about 2 hours before the hunt it cleared up and the sun came out and it was a wonderful day for an egg hunt!!!

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