Sunday, October 31, 2010

My mom was here this weekend. We got a couple free tickets to Valas from my cuz and so she took them to the pumpkin patch while I cleaned the house, alone, all by myself, with no little helpers!!!!!!!

Look and the floor and counter shine;)

A good day was had by all!
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Monday, October 25, 2010

First Pie of the Season

This is why there is a first pie, so they can get better;) Really I am sure it's fine, I just got some of the pumpkin on the crust so that part got a tad dark. Next one that won't happen. Hey Whitford's I am going to redeem myself this year. I want to make 2 pumpkin pies for Thanksgiving, from fresh pumpkin!!!! That is as long as this one tastes yummy and the next one tastes yummy AND looks nicer;)

Connor and Daddy

Sunday Connor was really missing his Dad:( We bought the How to Train Your Dragon movie and Connor said that he wanted to watch it with his dad. So he went and got it and showed me how he was going to cuddle with Dad when he gets home and they watch it together. We miss you Paul!!!!

Omaha Children's Museum

How hard is it to get them to look at the camera!
Upstairs in the OCM, they had lots of fun outdoors stuff, camping, mini putt, fishing, slides, etc Abby loved the lawn mower! Now I just need to get her tall enough and strong enough to push the real one;)

These are some great animals that I guess where once at Richman Gordman. They have restored them and they are SUPER fun!!! Abby loved going head first down the Kangaroo and Connor like how dark it was inside the Elephant (b/c then he could see his shoes light up) ;)

I love these things!!! Connor loved putting his face in then smacking them flat.

My future fire fighters!

My attempt to get a cute picture of the two of them. Didn't really work;)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

I am having issues with Picasa:( i have some great pics to upload but it's not working:( I will keep trying.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

One more water day!!

So, yes, it may be Oct. Yes, my children were dressed in long pants. Yes, they are running through the sprinkler!

We went on a walk today and I realized just how warm it was. Poor Abby's cheeks were red and she looked like she was so hot. Connor said he couldn't walk anymore because he was so hot. So I turned on the sprinkler;) they had a blast!
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The Super Big Park

As many of you know, we have 2 parks that we usually go to. One park is very close to our house and that's the "little park" the other park is a bit farther away but it has more playground equipment, that's the "big park." Well when we went to Abby's play date the other weekend we started off at this really cool park but it was too big for Abs and Amelia so we went to a different one. Today, after we were done looking at animals at PetSmart I asked Connor what he wanted to do. He said that he wanted to go to the "super big park" so that's where we went. :)

This is the "super fast slide"

Abby at the park. It was not really a safe park for Abby. We ended up leaving because she kept trying to go places I didn't think were safe for her and she started screaming, and wouldn't stop! Connor loved it so the next time we have visitors I think I will leave Abs at home and take Connor back.

The teeter toters were a big hit!!
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Saturday, October 2, 2010

Old Navy Model

If Old Navy every decided to get rid of the whole talking mannequin ads Connor has been practicing and ready!
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Friday, October 1, 2010

Look What I found in the pumpkin patch;)

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Pumpkin Patch


Connor said that his favorite part was the ship and his next favorite part was the ride;) He had a big smile on his face through most of the ride. He really liked when we stopped and got to go in the actual pumpkin patch and pick out our pumpkins. It was such a beautiful night, sunny and warm but not too hot. The kids had fun, my parents were in town so they decided to come along (it was great to have a few more hands;) ) It was great to see Connor and Abby running around having such a great time. We all got some pumpkins and had a fun supper there too!
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Pumpkin Patch!

Looking for treasure!

Abs wasn't sure about those skeletons!!