Tuesday, January 31, 2012

DIY Dryer Balls

I found this on Pinterest, originally pinned from: Green Eyed Monster, and thought I would give it a shot!

So I gathered up my supplies, scissors, 100% wool yarn, panty hose, and wool roving, I had to Google that to see what it was and Michaels sells it!

This is what the wool roving looks like.

Left: my yarn ball, Middle: tennis ball for size comparison Right: yarn ball with wool roving rapped around it.

Yarn ball, tennis ball and 2 in the panty hose!
You then wash them on hot and toss them in the dryer (that's where mine are right now!! Cross your fingers!!)

The blue and green one I didn't use as much roving and there is a small place where the yarn ball is showing though, but the original poster said that you could use just the yarn ball, so I think that it should be an ok thing. The wool roving really mixed into the pantyhose so it pulled a bit coming off but they seem to be felted well! Let's hope they work now. I am going to do a load of laundry and time it with and without and see what we get!

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Monday, January 30, 2012

Abby's Monster!

I got this idea from my dear friend Amy from her blog, Simple.Messy.Fun! I got a cheapy picture from Goodwill and took the "lovely" picture out of it and then let Abby go to town with the window crayons and markers. It was sooooo much easier to clean up the picture frame instead of my whole sliding glass door. So they will still be able to use the door, sometimes, but this is a great alternative for a quick easy clean-up time to use those great window marker and crayons. I want to put some backgrounds in there too sometime to see what she does with them then;)

Starting her new monster ;)

She was really in to big circles.
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Wacky Wednesday!!

Last Wednesday was "wacky Wednesday" at Connor's school, well at least that was what Connor said. So they both got to dress crazy. Turns out it was NOT Wacky Wednesday;) Connor was the only wacky child in his whole school, but he said it was great so kudos to him:) Abby certainly couldn't be left out of fun wacky clothes so we found some great items for her to put together too!
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I'm MAD!!!

There is absolutely nothing wrong with my dear daughter, she just really likes to make different faces for different emotions. It cracked me up when I was cleaning the kitchen the other day and she walked in, head down and said, "I'm MAD!" I said oh Abby you look VERY mad!! (let me grab the camera ;) )

That is why there is a little smirk coming in this picture, she had to wait for me to grab the camera and her urge to smile was starting to show through ;)
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Abby's new swim suit

Abby picked out this really cute new suit! Her last one was getting way to snug. The poor girly had the imprint of the clasp on the back of her neck after lessons:( so we bought a new one. I thought she would go for the tutu one, but nope! She picked the wacky pineapple one!!! I would have gotten a better picture but she was being pouty ;)
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Sunday, January 22, 2012


Megan was helping with the laundry, I don't know if this load should be washed on hot or cold? Probably the gentle cycle, huh;)

Actually this was Abby's bed for a good day and a half! She was just sitting in the basket watching tv and Megan thought she needed some additions to make it more comfy! She loved it! I even found it in her room, I guess she was ready to give up the bed for a basket ;)
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Rug Update!

This is a pic of half of the rug, on my lap!
Paul and I had a date night last night and went to dinner and a movie while Megan stayed with the kiddos (for our birthdays!!)While we were gone she ripped some more fabric and I balled it up when we got home, it's BIG!!!

This is a picture of the rug last night, I have more done on it already, it's getting there!!! I love the fabrics that we used last night. They are from a quilt that I made for Brooke's little guy, Julian WAY back when the boys were not even two!! It was a sock money quilt:)

Shoot I was going to try to find a picture of the sock monkey quilt and link it but I guess I never blogged about it :( Trust me, it was very cute ;)
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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Tonya's Suggestion

They make it look so simple!!!! Maybe my dear Hubby will buy me one of those wooden pizza thingys for my birthday ;) That most likely makes ALL the difference ;) I certainly need one of those tubs. But seriously, how simple is that!!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

New Fun Site!!

Play Based LearningPlay Based Learning

This may become one of my new favorite sites!! Fun, stuff!!!

I want to bake bread

I have never really tried and I am kind of scared to try but I want to learn. Amy, I wish you were closer!!! I know you make pizza crust, do you make your own bread too? I have a loaf in the bread machine right now but dumping water, mix and yeast into a machine just isn't the same as actually making the mix and kneading it yourself! I have found a couple sites that I might have to read and reread till I am brave enough to try. Any hints, tips, ideas and encouragement are greatly appreciated!!!!!
Great for toast sandwiches, but just as good untoasted with a bit of homemade plum jam.Toxo Bread

The Teacher Learns to Cook.

Wish me luck and courage!

My Lilltle Chef!

Abby played with the beans for over TWO hours!!! I suppose it helped that we were Skyping with my mom too. She was making everyone breakfast, even Dad and Connor! We were having "cereals" with milk and applesauce:) Yummy!!
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Finished Montser Jeans!

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Just another day at the Whitford house ;)

Abby was dressed in a typical outifit at one point in the day, but accidents happen and her pants needed to be changed. So of course the logical choice is a pair of frog pj pants! Then later that day she wanted all of her new "pretties" in her hair so we set to work. Then later she was watching Super Why and thought she needed to "superfy" her outfit so on went the tutut!!!

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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Monster Jeans!

I was over at my neighbor, Shelby's house the other day when she was folding clothes. Her son's jeans looked exactly the same as Connor's, wholy with a capitaly W! Well she had asked me if I had seen the monster jean pin. I hadn't so I hopped on home (not really, I walked) and got to looking for that pin. Well here is the original tutorial (Living Locurto), as you can see they did a whole mouth with teeth and eyes. Super cute! I showed it to Connor and he didn't want teeth, he thought that the fringey part looked like eyelashes and wanted just eyes, so when he was standing it looked like the monster was in his pants. Very 6 year old boy of him ;) He also was very specific on what color thread he wanted me to use. He wanted the color of his skin, this was as close to his skin as I could find in my stash, I also used some leftover felt from making their capes (tutorial found at georgia leigh, Erin, Megan and Robin you must check out her blog, you will love a certain part of it!!) he still wants the eyes to look blood shot so we have to add some red lines!
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My Quilt

This morning Abby asked if we could cuddle with my "new" blanket. I couldn't think of any recent blanket purchases so I was confused and asked her to show me which blanket. She brought me the quilt that my Grandma Reinig made for me when I was a little girl. Abby told me that it was her FAVORITE blanket :) So of COURSE we cuddled under the quilt. It's starting to show it's age in places so I think I may have to see about getting it restored and hopefully make it a bit sturdier. I would love to have Abby use it but it's mine and I don't want it ruined by a two year old! So I may have to take it out of circulation till it's fixed a bit so her little fingers don't make small tears into big ones. The quilt itself is really sturdy, it's just the Holly Hobby applique that is made out of fairly thin fabric that is wearing and holes are showing and the ribbon on her hat is coming unstitched. Once I get it all fixed up I hope that it will truly be one of Abigail's favorite blankets :)

And of course there isn't a picture taken in our house with out Connor jumping in :)
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Saturday, January 14, 2012


Looks like Paul one that round ;)
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