Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My Review of Adiri Natural Nurser Ultimate Bottle Stage 3, Fast Flow (6+ months)

Toys R Us

The Adiri™ Natural Nurser™ Ultimate Baby Bottle is soft, safe and simple. With an easy to use and dishwasher safe Fill Twist and Feed™ system, the only nipple truly shaped like a mother's breast, soft phthalate-free and BPA-free materials, and a unique Petal vent that helps reduc...

Only Bottle My baby takes!!

Abby's Mom Nebraska 7/22/2009

4 5

Pros: Washes Easily, Most like mom, Easy to use

Cons: Price

Best Uses: Feeding, For nursing moms

Describe Yourself: Parent of Two or More Children, Child Care Professional

I went back to work when my daughter was 7 weeks old. She is my second and I have all the bottles from my first. She wouldn't latch on to them. We tried for 3 weeks, we offered her 1-2 botles a day and she never took more than 1.5 oz and it took her 1 hour to eat that. I work in her child care center so I can nurse her almost every feeding, BUT since I am the Ast. Director there are meetings or calls that I can't get out of and she needs a bottle once in awhile. I was almost in tears the second time she got a bottle. She wouldn't drink it and then she refused to nurse too!! I bit the bullet and bought the bottles that looked most like me :) The next day she latched right on and sucked down 2.5 oz in 15 minutes!!!! I was so relieved. She is trying 4 oz today. She just turned 2 months and this is the first time that I feel that I can be away from her for more than an hour if I need to (she still eats every 2 hours) This bottle is expensive but a Godsend!


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