Sunday, October 18, 2009

5 months old!!

I love that smile

She loves to chew on everything!!

I can't believe that Abby is FIVE months old already!! She loves to roll over, drool, chew, laugh, squeal, and scream! She is working really hard on the whole sitting up thing but she is too squirmy. If she holds on to your fingers she will pull herself to a sitting position and then arch her back back down :) She loves to talk to people and be sung to. She is sleeping through the night, most nights. She goes down around 7:30 and will get up about 7:30!!!!! Sometimes she wakes up about an hour after she goes down and screams for awhile and/or sometimes she will wake up at 5/5:30 to eat. But considering Connor was still eating 2 times a night at 6 months we are loving the sleep that she is giving us. She has started cereal and loves it and this weekend had her first taste of Sweet Potatoes :) she really seemed to like those too!

Cutie Patootie :)
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Anonymous said...

love all the photos of her and yes she is a cutie. I really like how she can get her feet in her mouth. While I wouldn't want my feet in my mouth I would however like to be able to get them to my mouth. HHHaaa. Loved seeing them. Love to you all. Lily

Amy said...

What a cutie! I can't believe how fast time goes that she and Olivia are 5 months old already! I am still very jealous of the sleeping through the night thing. ;) Great pictures of your little sweetheart!

Anonymous said...

Awe man! Just the other day I was thinking about how she's 5 months already! I bet you just can't believe it. And she's so big!!! Cereal and potatos!!! Wow what a growing little lady!!!
- Robin