Sunday, November 1, 2009

Harvest Celebration

So as most of you know we don't celebrate holidays at Bright Horizons, BUT we did have a dress up day and a Harvest Celebration. Actually my center has been around for over 20 years and has been in the federal building the whole time. It has only been a BH center for about 4 years so the federal employees have been used to seeing all the children dressed up and Trick or Treating through the building so that is what we still do. It's really fun, and Connor AND Abby had full bags of candy when we were done! I also want Heather to notice the bib Abby has on. My friend Heather bought that for Connor when I was pregnant. My due date was Oct 25th but the stinker wasn't born until Nov 3rd. So I have a picture of that bib sitting on my big, 'ol pregnant tummy. This time around though it was used on a first Halloween :)
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