Monday, May 17, 2010

Little ONE!

So I told Paul that I felt like we laid our baby down to sleep tonight and tomorrow she is going to be a big girl! I know it's just 12 hours but it seems like this past year has gone by so fast. Abby is walking and babbling. She LOVES music and dancing and loves to be read too. She absolutely adores her big brother and just lights up when she sees him. She is a great eater and is taking after her daddy, they split a can of baked beans the other night! Connor and I just looked at them with our noses wrinkled from the other side of the table;) She can sign, "more," "all done," "hat," "book," "dog," "please," and............."POOP!" She is such a happy smiley baby, oops, girl.:( :) Our little girl only weighs 18lbs though! She is going to be 2 before she will be able to ride facing forward in the car;) Man, we have had a blast with her this past year and can't wait to see the young lady she is going to turn in to........

Oh and I made her a dress tonight for her to wear to school tomorrow! I can't wait to get pics, I also got her a small lemon cake to share with her friends tomorrow at school:) hehe, I also made a sign for the front yard for her!

Happy Birthday Abigail!!!!!


Amy said...

Happy Birthday Miss Abby Rose! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Abs!! I can't wait to see your new little dress and hopefully some cake smeared all over your cute little face!!
Aunt RaRa!!