Saturday, January 7, 2012

Laundry Room Redo, almost done

The two things that I still have to do are finish the rug for in from of the washer and dryer. I found a YouTube video on how to crochet a rug and so I am trying it and I also am putting a shade on the light. It's really bright and harsh. I held the shade up and it took too much light away so I am going to use an old scrap booking tool to poke some holes in the shade in some design and it will sort of be like the old punched tin, at least that's my hope. The pictures don't even do it justice. I love it, the wall is "coffee with cream" and the wooden shelves are "natural sugar." I think the rug will spice it up a bit. We are renting so I figured I couldn't do something too crazy, color wise on the walls so I went neutral and have a fun rug and shade. I also may have done the concrete block wall if we owned but figured I better keep paint off of it. It is so much cleaner and way more organized now and I will be super productive and happy to be in the space, yippeee! I will post when the rug and shade are complete too.
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Megan W said...

It looks great Sarah! I can't wait to see the finished rug and shade. Love you, Megan

Anonymous said...

It looks super nice! E