Thursday, February 16, 2012

Paul's Birthday!

Paul's Birthday Cake

Look at Abby's face. She is just waiting, thinking, "Dad, hurry up and blow those darn candles out so we can eat that cheesecake!!"

That was Paul's piece, who am I to say that was WAY to big;)

Look at this plate. Abby starts whining saying, "Don't like it. I only like strawberries." Really Abs, you ate it all except for one stinking bite and then say you don't like it?????

Connor on the other hand though ate his with two hands almost!! Hand or fist, first one finished;)
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Unknown said...

Haaa! First, the cheesecake looks amazing! I'm gonna make one for Tomi sometime, so I hope it looks as good! Ohhh, Paul. Same joke every year! lol. Abby is too funny. At least with cleaning the plate, she's totally Whitford--just like Connor. Way to go dude!!

Anonymous said...

Lol - love these pictures! The cheesecake looks amazing, Sarah, and the birthday boy can pick out however large or small a piece he wants. Hope it was a fantastic day!