Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Connor wanted in on the picture taking too but of course he was watching Dinosour Train while mom got Abby ready and so he couldn't really take his eyes off the show that combines his two favorite things!!!

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She love Cy too :)

Abby was on the floor this morning and found Connor's "Cy Bird" as he is officially called here :) and started playing with him. I grabbed the camera b/c it was just very cute (plus the camera was handy b/c I just took the pics of her hat). Well Connor said, "Mom!!!! Abby's eating Cy Bird!!!" and came over and snatched him away!!! Nobody messes with Cy in this house. So I found the cute little panda and she liked playing with him too. Oh and as a side note, her pants and sweater are 6-9 months :( she's growing too fast! This past weekend I packed up all her 3-6 month clothes (well most of them, some are still in rotation) and washed up all the 6-9 month stuff. Some will still have to be wrapped back up b/c they were supposed to be Christmas presents!
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Cute Hat

Paul's Aunt Mary sent this hat to Abby when she was born. Now that it's cooling down a bit she finally gets to wear it!!!! I love it, I think it's just too cute:)
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Cheesy Connor

This is the only picture I have on my camera of the day we went to see the Dinos!!! I still had to post it b/c Connor is all shiny from his sunscreen and really cheese'n up that smile :)
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Baby Legs :)

They only last for so long now. She loves to grab her feet/socks/leg warmers, whatever is on her feet/legs and chew or pull off!!!
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Sunday, September 27, 2009

I LOVE Sleep!

So Friday night both children went to bed about 7:30/8pm and Connor came in to our room Sat morning at 7am and Abby didn't start fussing until 7:30!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was chalking it up to the fact that Erica's oldest daughter was sick and so she was out all week. She came back on Friday and so I took off with the kids at 3:30 :) I thought that since the children were up and on the road between 6-6:30am every day that they were just exhausted. Well Miss Abigail stirred at 7am then not again until 8, this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Granted Connor had climbed in to bed with Paul sometime before I came to bed(fell asleep on the couch;) ) so he started stirring at 6:30. Anyway, it was so nice to have my children sleep as much as they wanted and nice to enjoy the fruits of their sleepiness!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Dino Quest

Connor and I went to Dino Quest Saturday at Fontenelle Forest. We had a blast! We met Mason and his mom there two and the boys spent a little over 2 hours walking the trails and digging for dino bones :) I forgot my camera so these are the only pictures I have, I took them with my cell phone:)
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Friday, September 18, 2009

Connor Update

We have been keeping an eye on Connor's speech for a little over a year now. We had the ladies from Papillion/La Vista schools come out just after Connor had turned 3 to check his speech. They said that he was doing pretty well, he had about half the sounds a three year old should have and since he just had turned 3 they figured with some work on our behalf he should catch up. They also said that they could understand 80% of what he said. So they gave us some work sheets that had pictures and the words with the sounds that he was having trouble saying on them and she just wanted us to say them and when he said something wrong to repeat it 2-3 times in response to him. That is something that we did a lot anyway, just to clarify what he was saying. Well over the last year I haven't felt like there has been much improvement at all so I called again to see if he could be reevaluated. We met with the preschool speech lady on Monday and she said that we were smart to have called. She said that she could only understand 75% of what he was saying and by 4 you should be able to understand 90%. She also said that Connor was a GREAT little guy and she loved working with him. Unfortunately she said that his speech problem may not be just a speech problem. She said that before she could work with him she needed us to see and ENT to see if it was adenoids or something like that. She said that the sounds he was having trouble with and the substitutions he was making led her to think it may be a medical issue. So thankfully we have an ENT in the family so I didn't just have to pick a name out of the phone book. We got in to see Dave on Tuesday morning so that was great. He checked out Connor, Connor did a WONDERFUL job, he didn't fuss or anything and let Dave do what he needed to do. He advised us to see some specialists at Boys Town Research Hospital. They called today to set up an appointment. So, on October 9th we are spending about 4 hours with ENTs, Speech Therapists, Orthodontists, and Genetics people..........I am hoping since it's a multidisciplinary team they will be able to come up with what is the best route to help Connor with his speech.... Wish us Luck!!

4 Months

So our little Abby is FOUR MONTHS old today!!! Her appointment is next week so I will post her stats then. I took these pictures this morning at the center. Don't mind the drool :) She didn't get to wear her pretty dress for very long because all she wanted to was chew on it!! It got too wet so the teachers had to change her :)
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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Army of One


Army of One

Paul got home from Drill tonight and brought home some new body armor. Connor had a great time trying it on!
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Saturday, September 12, 2009

All the Babies!!!!

As most of you know, I have a lot of cousins on my mom's side of the family. Well we are getting bigger!! This year is a year for babies! So far we have had Oliver, Abby, Cecilia, Lily and now Clarence!!! We are only about half way done for the year. There are more babies to follow in the next few months!!!
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Sunday, September 6, 2009

Leg Warmers

I was looking at Amy's blog, Simple. Messy. Fun! and saw her link to homemade leg warmers so I thought I would take a shot at it.

I got 3 sets of socks. they each came with 3 pairs of socks in them and each set was under $3!!!!! I cut the foot part off the socks...

Kept the bottom for myslef......

and sewed the rest into cute little leg warmers for Abby!!!

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Gone "Fishing"

Ok so we didn't really go fishing but we took the polls to the little park and Connor and Dad did some practice casting. Connor is getting pretty good, for a 3.5 year old ;) He gets it out there but only about 4 feet or so, no tangles and only in the tree once so not too bad! It was a wonderful day, great weather. This was just the start of the day, after some VERY short naps by both of our children we are off to Pet Smart and maybe Walnut Creek to do some wet practice casting. I can tell you I feel much safer knowing there isn't a hook on the end of Connor's :)
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Heading Home

he he, I know my whistling isn't the best but you get the picture :)