Friday, January 13, 2012

Abby and Daddy

Paul starts back to work on Monday (time off for hernia repair) and we are all squeezing in as much Daddy time as we can get before he's back to work. It has been a real treat having him home with us the past few weeks! I know he is ready to get back to work though, so we are happy that he is rested and healed up and ready for Monday.
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Anonymous said...

Sounds good to me, too! It's so great (even if for a hernia…) that he's been able to be home. ;)

Sarah said...

We have loved it. I am actually missing him today:( and yet I will see him in just a few hours ;)

Anonymous said...

I hope he's been able to take it easy at work & I'm glad you all had some family time together the last few weeks. E